Activating our praise & thanksgiving mode.

Isaiah 61:3. Jeremiah 30:19. Psalm 106:1.
Sometimes praising/ thanksgiving/ worshipping God can be one of the toughest things to do. Most of the times we would rather praise him when he does something for us. What if we praise him when he is yet to give us that blessing or satisfy that desire or do that want him to do for us? I mean you might have been asking him for particular thing for years now but no answer is forthcoming. There is no perfect moment to give thanks or praise God. As believers this ought to flow naturally but the devil will fight us with everything he has to see that we do not praise our God. He causes us to focus on what God is yet to do in our lives rather than giving attention to what Jesus is doing daily. Believe it or not God blesses us daily, he loads us with daily benefits.
We need to activate our praise/ thanksgiving/ worship modes daily. It is indeed an awesome experience to do just that. The Spirit of God is always willing to help us to do this, all we need to do is ask. Please read those bible verses again & pray this prayer below.
PRAYER: Lord Jesus, I thank you from the depth of my heart for all the blessings & benefits you give me daily. I am indeed grateful. And I thank you in advance for the blessings that are yet to come because I know you are faithful. You are neither partial or wicked. You are instead a good God that gives us the very best. I praise you for this. I receive my garment of praise and oil of joy today. And may they never wear out or run dry in Jesus mighty name, Amen.
Stay in God’s presence for there lies the fullness of joy. God bless ya!

Posted from WordPress for BlackBerry.

You are not forgotten!

Isaiah 49:15,” Can a woman forget her suckling child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? Yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee…
There are times in life when our minds begins to wonder, are you sure God still remembers me? I mean you just feel stuck, with no one in sight to help you. I mean you feel all alone in this big world. Family and friends might have deserted you at this point. You are single, broke, unemployed, at the brink of a divorce or even divorced, childless or a single parent or perhaps, difficult kids. But on this beautiful sunday morning, I bring us goodnews. We are not forgotten, I mean God knows you by name, you are inscribed in the palms of his hand, he knows the number of hair on your head. He never sleeps nor slumbers. God loves you too much to forget you. I mean he remembered you, when he sent Jesus to die for your sin. Just believe, that he is there with you when you are facing any difficult challenge. He is even closest to us at such times. Just keep holding one. He always makes a way. He will never fail his own. Don’t quit now! Pray! Hope! Worship/ Praise him for who he is. Receive his peace that passes all human understanding today in Jesus name.
Happy sunday dearie! Have an awesome week!

Posted from WordPress for BlackBerry.

I am………

Hello people!  I was reading my devotional this morning and this got me jumping up and down.  A lot of us tend to forget our identity in this life. Especially when life happens to us. When the devil throws one challenge at us, we are totally thrown off balance and we begin to question our salvation, who we are, our covenant with the Father, our authority in Christ, the integrity of our God, the effectiveness of God’s word and the likes.

Here is a very unlikely story about someone who was from the lineage of King Saul (his grandson) and he saw himself as a dead dog. He was forgotten not because he was lame but because of how he saw himself, ‘a dead dog’. 

Jesus asked his disciples a question similar to this, ‘who do you say that I am? ‘ Matthew 16: 13-16

It shows that it is important that we have the right identity especially as born again Christians. 

Let’s go back to the story of Mephibosheth 

“And David said unto him, Fear not: for I will surely show thee kindness for Jonathan thy father’s sake, and will restore thee all the land of Saul thy father; and thou shalt eat bread at my table continually.” 2 Samuel 9:7

Most people know the story of the covenant between David and Jonathan. The Word says, “The soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul” (1 Samuel 18:1). These two men, a sheepherder and a prince, entered into a blood covenant with one another.

What most people don’t know is what happened after Jonathan died. The covenant relationship continued between Jonathan’s son Mephibosheth and David.

You see, David’s unconditional love (hesed) didn’t end the day Jonathan was killed. It remained within him—even though he had become king. Even though he was wealthy and powerful, his covenant with Jonathan still burned inside him. He was so compelled that years later he cried out, “Is there yet any that is left of the house of Saul, that I may show him kindness for Jonathan’s sake?” (2 Samuel 9:1). One of Saul’s former servants, Ziba, gave David his answer: “Jonathan hath yet a son, which is lame on his feet…. Behold, he is in the house of Machir, the son of Ammiel, in Lo-debar” (verses 3-4).

When David sent for him, Mephibosheth was afraid David would kill him. He came into the palace, threw himself at David’s feet, and began to religiously bawl and squall about what an unworthy dog he was (verses 6-8). David didn’t even acknowledge his unworthy dog talk. In his eyes, Mephibosheth wasn’t a dog. He was a rich man. He just didn’t know it. David had kept his covenant with Jonathan…and all of Jonathan’s wealth had been set aside for an heir. All Mephibosheth’s life he had been covenanted to David, but he didn’t know it. David was as much his father as Jonathan was because of the blood covenant between them.

That’s the message of God’s prosperity. Mephibosheth didn’t do anything to become prosperous. Someone sent for him, picked him up, and placed him in the middle of the most prosperous situation he’d ever seen in his life. Someone loved him—not because of anything he had done, but because he was the heir of a blood covenant.

The covenant we have with God is better than this. If King David, a man, I mean an imperfect human being, could not forget his convenant with Jonathan. How much more will our perfect God forget the covenant he made with us considering the fact he gave his very best (Jesus) for us… #selah

Once you grasp that, you won’t ever believe you don’t deserve to be healed, blessed or delivered. You didn’t do anything to get where you are except receive Jesus. Once you did that, the Holy Spirit “fetched” you and placed you in the middle of the abundance of God Himself. You are surrounded by His blood. You are filled with His Spirit. You are crowned with His crown. And you wear the robe of His righteousness. Receive who you are in Christ Jesus today. Live like the son or daughter of the King. You’re a prince…destined to live in abundance in your spirit, soul and body.

Speak the Word

I am created in the image and likeness of God

I am a convenant child of God. I am in a convenant with my God. 

I am loved. I am a lover. 

I have the mind of Christ. I am intelligent, sharp, alert, smart, insightful, creative. 

I am an ambassador of Christ.

I am seated with Christ in heavenly places.

I am a god.

I am a king.

I am a priest.

I am the redeemed of the Lord.

I am blessed. I am a blessing. 

I am free indeed.

I am complete in Christ Jesus. 

I am more than a conqueror. 

The greater one dwells in me.

My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. I mean God dwells on the inside of me. 

I am victorious in Christ Jesus.

I am rich. I have power to make wealth. 

I am a virteous woman. 

I am gifted and I possess & manifest the fruits of the Spirit daily. 

I have a sound mind, good health, strength. 

You are all these and so much more. 

Never forget for a second who you are. And live it! 


#BibleSenseSeries: shine your light.

Let your light shine!!!!

Today’s Bible sense pretty much needs no explanation. Your life should point people to Jesus. Live in a way that people will have no choice but to fall in love with Jesus.

Preaching the gospel is everyone’s responsibility.

“Oh! But I’m a stammerer. In fact I stutter so badly I couldn’t get more than a few words at a time.”

You know to be honest that’s really not a valid excuse because you see, we stammer with our lips not our lives. Even when we cannot say the words we can live them.

Evangelism is always scary because people wonder, “what will I say?” Well if we bothered less about what to say and more about how to live, the kingdom of God would be overpopulated by now.

I had one of those my Holy Spirit inspired moments this morning as I heard in my heart,

Evangelism is not…

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What Nobody Tells You …

Hey ladies

How have you been? What a roller coaster week it’s been for me. I must confess I love being so busy and so productive but sometimes my body just says ENOUGH!!! It’s on the verge of saying that to me now but I really can’t abandon you this week.

Yes, Yummy mummies I know I abandoned you last week and I will make up for it this week but last week my spirit, soul and body just exited work mode into full rest mode. I just suddenly became allergic to my blog. If I didn’t know better I would think I had a bun cooking but seeing as I am an obedient child of God and a doer of the word I’m sure there are only 2 nations in my womb and seeing as the 2 nations and my exceeding abundant far above free gift baby have all…

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Are You A learner? 

The day you stop learning, you stop living…

Hey ladies

Last week I felt the need to have us kick off our heels, loosen our body shapers, throw back our heads (wigs falling…) and laugh…

and boy did we need it! 

So today let me share with you another secret that’s been helpful for me.

If you are really close to me then you will see me hanging this sign up daily. 

Maybe not physically but Every single day of my life, I wake up ready to learn something. And I learn from everything and everyone.

Heard my husband say this yesterday and I loved it. It just stuck.

See everyday as a classroom; every person as a teacher and every experience as a lesson.

So with some people I learn what to do and with others what not to do. I watch how people do marriage, I read about people doing it God’s way and pitfalls…

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It’s Not An Option!

It’s not option…

Hey mummy

How are you? Hope you are keeping hope alive. Like I told you last week that’s the first place to start. 

Now let’s  do this….

I remember a couple of years ago when I was still TTC someone asked me “What if it’s God’s will for you not to have children through your womb? What if you are meant to just adopt kids and have spiritual children?” It was a sincere question but the devil started to build a skyscraper on the foundation of this small innocent thought.

So as I was about to open the door to fear ‘cos it was knocking …sorry I meant banging wildly at my door. Faith showed up and yanked the door open. I felt the peace of God invade my soul and I smiled and told her very calmly IT’S NOT AN OPTION.

How do you know? So are you telling…

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Every Man Needs…

Hey ladies

Awwww…. you came back! Yay!!! Okay so let’s not waste any time. Let’s get right to it but first let me say thank you for all the Love. Wow! I was so blown away with all the feedback I got on Wednesdays Are For Wives.

I believe we’ve learnt to put first things first and we’ve sorted out the One Thing that is needful. Let’s talk now a bit about our roles as wives.

Over the years I’ve noticed that I’ve had to adapt and evolve in so many ways and that’s because I’ve gradually come to realize what my husband wants from me as his wife. And I don’t just mean good food and loads of great sex. (Very necessary too though)

I’m talking about the things that I find make his eyes light up even if he says nothing about it. Sadly when you get married…

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One Thing…

Hello ladies …valiant queens !

I’m so excited about this new move of God. Something spectacular happened to me this week but I guess I will share some other time but it was a confirmation of Wednesdays is for Wives. Nothing as beautiful as knowing God is holding your hand and that He’s helping you

So Like I said last week one of the biggest things I wished I had as a new bride was mentoring. Yes there were a lot of messages on what to do as a single to make sure you married right and that is so important because as I always say the biggest gift you can give yourself is to marry well.

I always knew one day that I would make that decision. I knew that I would find the kind of man that Thought I was perfect for him and he would be (at…

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Longer But Safer

It so happened that after Pharoah released the people, God didn’t lead them by the road through the land of the philistines, which was the shortest route, for God thought, “If the people encounter war, they’ll change their minds and go back to Egypt.” -Exodus 13:17

Good morning people

It’s been a while. So much going on around here and it will unfold bit by bit soon. I just thought to drop by this morning to encourage someone.

As I was studying this morning I saw a scripture I probably have seen many times before but that just came alive to me just now.

God had just wrought a big victory for the Israelites. He just ended over 400 years of slavery and restored their wasted years loaded them with benefits and the wealth of the Egyptians. Victory at last!!!! They were all so excited. There was singing and…

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The Thankful Train

My phone has been buzzing all day. I’ve barely been able to keep my battery charge.

I’m amazed at how many tags I’ve gotten today on Instagram, Twitter and facebook. I honestly can’t believe it.

I’m really happy because without even realizing it people have generally become more thankful and the truth is once you start counting your blessings you find it hard to complain. You can’t bless God and complain at the same time. It just doesn’t work that way.

And the good part is the more you thank God it builds faith in you to believe for me because if God has done it in the past and you remember it, confidence is built in you to believe for more. …and the best part? It annoys Satan.

Having so many thankful people is a win win. I’m just so excited about this year’s when women worship #WWW2016 #Amaghimo…

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D E T O X!!!

Amazing post by a true daughter of Zion. This post blessed my life. Read and be blessed as well…

The F.A.B. Sister's Blog


I consider myself a great cook. So great that sometimes I don’t even taste my meals before I serve hubs. I just KNOW that it tastes nice jare so I can just dish it out happily.

This blogpost however is a sharp contrast to that.

When God dropped this post in my spirit, I was all ready to ‘dish’ and instantly, I felt a check in my spirit…

No baby… YOU GONNA EAT this one first, SWALLOW and DIGEST even before you DARE to DISH it.


Haha. #HARDCheck

This was really one post I had to swallow and apply FIRST to my life and even though I am still applying, I have the RELEASE to dish, serving myself a healthy portion too.

One fine Saturday, my husband said something to me in conversation,

‘…So this is ALL they talk about on this show? Other people’s lives. And you keep watching it…?’

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